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Sitting on Couch

One on One Support

Our staff are here for your support. We understand that parenting alone can be a difficult journey full of hurdles and stress. We are trained to listen, to hear your story, to assist you where we can, and to help you on your parenting journey.

Our staff are able to come to your home and usually book an hour for appointments. We sometimes have fruit, frozen meals, or children's clothing that we can drop off as well.

If you need advocacy support with other agencies, to help you be the voice you need, we can go along to meetings with you.

Group Support

We run a variety of different groups to support our community.

Each term is different depending on the type of support our community needs. These include: 

Craft group

Cooking group

Bubs group

Beautiful Minds

Walking group

Egg Decoration
Parent and Child

Parenting Skills Programme

Birthright Whanganui has a fantastic parenting programme to help new and expecting parents understand the ins and outs of parenting. This can also be helpful for parents of older children and teens.

Our 6 week course covers many areas of parenting, starting with parenting styles, creating a family tree, family values, using the ACES model to identify triggers, and creating whanau goals.

We discuss routines & boundaries, ages & stages, creating safe spaces, sleep hygiene, physical hygiene.

The parenting programme is run in your home, at your pace, tailored to your family/whanau.

Funding for School Uniforms and Extra-Curricular Activities

We often get special funding to assist our clients with new school uniforms when their child starts a new school. 


We also get special funding to help put children into extra-curricular activities, such as swimming lessons, Boys and Girls Gym, dance or music, and other sports activities. We subsidise payments for parents so that children are able to participate in activities they enjoy and that add value and enrichment to their lives.

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