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Have Fun Parenting

Our children are precious. We, as parents, have been blessed with the opportunity to grow a human being each time we bring a child into this world. Parenting is not all about saying "No" and being over-protective, and it doesn't always have to be stressful.

I brought four humans into the world, and they have grown into wonderful people. I faced challenges, of course. Three of them went through their teens and one of them is just at that mark. The amazing thing for me, is that when I look at them, I feel proud of the people they have become.

I was a single parent for many years. I had my own ups and downs in life, and my own personal growth to manage, and at times, yes, it was overwhelming being the only adult in the house. But I learned to enjoy my kids. I knew that how they saw the world was my responsibility, and I considered what it was I wanted them to learn in life.

It took me a long time to realise that the role of the parent is not to stop children having experiences because we are afraid of what could happen, but it wasn't too late for them to still get those experiences and build on their knowledge of the world. Life just becomes more fun when you focus on what can go right.

Go for a bush walk, make a sandcastle, go down the slide, splash in the pool, make a mudpit in the back yard! Enjoy being a parent, the same as they will enjoy being your children. They will remember the feelings of their childhood, even if they forget details, and you will look at your children when they're older, and you'll feel proud of the job you did and how much you enjoyed it!

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