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Welcome to Birthright Whanganui

Children in Classroom


To provide services in a culturally sensitive manner to one parent families by giving "a hand up, not a hand out". To strengthen and support single parent families to reach their potential, but at no time compromising the care and protection of the children. To provide support, advice, guidance, and assistance where required to ensure children are safe, well cared for, and able to reach their potential.


Birthright was founded in Hastings New Zealand in 1955 by Peter Gifford, with the goal of creating an organisation to support and care for the children of one parent families, to ensure these children had the same rights and opportunities as other children. He believed it was the Birthright of every child, regardless of ethnicity, belief, or social status, to equality. 

There are currently 10 national Birthright affiliate offices in New Zealand and one national body. 

Birthright Whanganui opened in 1959, and has been operating in the community ever since, assisting and supporting hundreds of families through the friendly cup of tea, some practical support, assistance to get school uniforms and supplies, subsidising after-school activities, help with Christmas gifts, and advocacy with other services.  

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Rights and Responsibilities

At Birthright Whanganui, we respect the rights of those seeking support from our service. 


When engaging with our services, we ask that you:

  • Be honest with us – we can only help you if we understand what is happening for you.

  • Work with us to improve your situation – we are here to help you create a great home for your kids.

  • Create a goal plan – we can help you create and work towards your goals. The progress you make is determined by the effort you put into it.

  • Participate in our groups and courses – we host a variety of valuable parenting groups and courses. A lot of time and effort goes into the planning of each session, and sometimes we have other professionals come along. It's great to see people enjoying these sessions.

  • Make appointments to see our staff – we have limited time each day for appointments, so we can’t always see walk-ins.

  • Show up for your scheduled appointment – showing up for us means you are showing up for your kids.

  • Respect our boundaries – we are here for you 100% during our work hours, but after hours, we are spending time with our friends and families.


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